José Francisco Ugarte Ascencio
Senior Partner
He has taken professional training courses in Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala, Perú, México, Chile y Ecuador. He is a qualified external auditor with a National Registry of External Auditors (RNAE) # 055. Member of the National Federation of Accountants of Ecuador and the Institute of Accounting Research of Ecuador.
His experience in the business field is the product of more than 45 years of professional services in positions such as: contralor, general counter, internal auditor, administrative assistant, organizational development manager , financial manager and general manager in countless industrial companies, comercial, importers , builders, and so on.
Jorge Luis Ugarte Quiñonez
Tax and Consulting Partner
He is COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS ENGINEER of the Escuela Superior Politécnica Del Litoral (ESPOL – ICHE) with a specialization in Management Information Systems. He is PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT from the Guayaquil State University. He holds a MASTER’S DEGREE IN TAXATION from the Graduate School of Business Administration (ESPAE) and a DIPLOMA IN TAXATION at the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations (CIAT). Tax Expert certified by the Judicial Function.
He has participated in various Courses and Seminars on International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS, Audit, Taxation, Tax Law, Financial Analysis, Internal Audit and Internal Control.
His experience includes extensive knowledge in the accounting, corporate, labor, tax and financial areas for companies in the industrial, services, commercial and non-profit sector, both national and multinational.
He has carried out management and financial consulting work, and is a member of the Institute of Accounting Research of Ecuador and the College of Commercial Engineers of Guayas.
José Pin Ochoa
Audit Supervisor
He ENGINEER IN ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING-CPA, of the Vicente Rocafuerte Laica University of Guayaquil.
He has participated in courses and seminars on International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS, International Standards for Auditing and Assurance NIAS, Taxation, Internal audit.
His experience has allowed him to develop professionally in the financial and accounting area, emphasizing the Analysis and Preparation of Financial Statement, Analysis and preparation of Tax Annexes , Review and Preparation of Audit Reports , Planning, Supervision and Execution of External and Special Audits for companies in the commercial sector, industrial and services.
Ab. Cynthia Nuñez Albuja
Asociado Derecho Corporativo
She is a LAWYER OF THE COURTS AND COURTS OF THE REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR of the Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil. Specialist in Business Law from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Professional specialized in corporate business law, fiduciary, insurance and companies in liquidation process, with more than fifteen years of experience in the private sector. Advisor to national and foreign companies in civil, real estate, commercial, fiduciary, corporate, labor, business structuring and contract design matters.